Sunday, August 9, 2009

Crimson Trail Hike!

So since Todd and I, as well as Kiwi and Kaya, LOVE to hike, we got the chance to try out a new trail up the Logan Canyon. Todd's sister, Kristi, and her husband, are up in Ogden for the month of August. So they invited us to go up hiking with them and some other family and friends. It was a very cool trail, you hiked right along the edge of what they call, "The China Wall". I have to admit, I was playing the "worried mom" the whole time afraid my dogs might slip and fall off the edge!! I know, I know, dogs are probably smarter then humans when it comes to that stuff... as you will see in the pictures of Todd and our brother in law, Mo.

The whole gang... except me, I'm taking the picture!

And here they are, Kristi and I's very SMART and CAUTIOUS husbands...

Our little family... what an awesome view huh?!

7 little heads in the crack in the rock!

Thanks guys! That was a fun fun night!


Mo and Kristi said...

That was so fun. Mo admitted last night when he saw these photos that it looked like he could have died jumping on that little cliff....crazies. I'm so glad you guys came up with us! I also like the birthing picture of Brit and I on facebook.

Spencer & Rachel Coleman said...

Lacey, I am so excited, I didn't know you have a blog. I love that your url address is your dogs' names. I am excited you guys have bikes now so we can be biking buddies.