Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We Love to Play!!

This past week we got to have our cute nieces, Kira and Kamber, come stay and play with us for about 4 days. It was a blast! We never stopped playing. The girls loved Todds big Red truck and loved riding in it, as you can see...

They also loved taking bubble baths... so we took one almost every night!

We also got to take the girls to see the movie "Up" at the drive in. They had so much fun playing in the back of the truck with all the pillows and blankets! Todd also brought some Rocket balloons to the drive In. While we were waiting for the movie to start, we played rocket balloons with the girls and they chased them all over the parking lot. They ended up being the center of attention...everyone at the movie ended up watching them because they were so stinkin cute!

They loved our back yard and and ate breakfast every morning outside on our picnic table where they drank their juice and played with the puppies.

We also went to the Roy Aquatic Center and their favorite slide was the "frog slide" and they probably went down it 100 times... at least!!

We also took the girls for a hike in the mountains the first day they were here. Every day after, the girls would point at the mountain and say, "We were just on that mountain!". Kira also caught a caterpillar and she was so brave to hold it!

The girls favorite part was feeding the ducks. So we probably went to feed them about 3 times and they had to show their mommy when she got to town how they fed the ducks!

We always had to read stories at night before we went to bed. The girls even read some stories to me! They are very good readers!!

I took the girls to the Treehouse Museum on Saturday and they loved it!! There was a lot of fun stuff for them to do. They loved the big chess set! I think there favorite were the Dr. Suess computer games!

Shane, Lexie and Jaxon came down to play with us on Saturday. We went to the zoo first and then had a little mini party for Lexie's Birthday that night with some pizza from the Pizza Factory.

It was so cute...Kendi loved the dogs and the dogs loved Kendi! Well, Kiwi was a little afraid of her and unsure but warmed right up to her. Kaya was so fascinated by her and just laid right by her whenever she was on the floor.

Sunday night before Leisel and the girls left, we went to Todd's parents house to jump on the tramp and swing on their swings for a while. The girls loved the trampoline!

This was quite the experience for Todd and I. We loved every minute of it. We kind of got a glimpse of what it will be like to have a few kids some day. After this past week, I think we are both really excited! Thanks Brandon and Leisel for letting us borrow your cute girlies!
Here is a quick video of the girls chasing rocket balloons...it's sideways and I can't figure out how to turn it so you'll have to turn your head to watch!!


Mo and Kristi said...

LACEY!!! It looks like you had a blast with those kids!! You two will be such crazy fun parents one day. Those girls are cuties. You sure know how to play!

The Geddes Family said...

Your nieces are super cute!!! I'm glad you guys had so much fun!